Network & IT Services

The flexible foundation for the connected digital economy

The Network & IT Services program provides strategic insights into new technologies and services required to optimally deliver the next generation of applications to users. Via comprehensive user surveys and a broad scope that comprises enterprise compute, storage, and network options, the program helps enterprises make smart infrastructure decisions to successfully support their digital transformation.

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With expert analysts around the globe covering every industry with 360° perspective, Frost & Sullivan is best positioned to help you with your IT decisions.

The Network & IT Services program offers ongoing global and regional research on timely topics, access to expert analysts, and a range of services to support your business planning, marketing initiatives, and digital transformation roadmap.

Digital Media - Cloud Technology

Public, Private, Hybrid, And Multi-Cloud

Management & Orchestration Platforms

Management & Orchestration Platforms

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Managed Cloud & Network Services


Software-Defined WAN and Network Virtualization

Meet Our Team

Engage with our industry experts and learn more about our process of identification, evaluation, go to market strategic planning and implementation emphasis on managing the transformation journey that lies ahead.


Cloud Services, Industry Analyst | North America

Karyn Price

Cloud Services, Industry Director | North America

Roopashree Honnachari

Cloud Services, Vice President | Asia

Ajay Sunder

Cloud Services, Industry Analyst | Asia

Sandeep Bazaz

Cloud Services, Industry Analyst | Asia

Yuxuan Ng

Cloud Services, Digital Transformation Industry Manager | Latin America

Ignacio Perrone

Ignacio Perrone is an industry expert with more than 15 years of experience in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector. Perrone currently serves as Digital Transformation Industry Manager at Frost & Sullivan in Latin America, responsible for the management of regional market intelligence studies and strategic consulting projects, assisting global and regional telecom service providers and value chain participants. In addition to its client-facing role, Perrone also participates in the most important events in the region as speaker, moderator and panelist, and contributes to Latin American and international media vehicles with articles and industry-related statements. His experience encompasses consulting projects related to market size in terms of Telecom and IT services, customer insights, solutions/services trends by vertical, enterprise mobility, M2M and VAS. Prior to this role, Perrone worked for Logicalis (Argentina), AIM (Argentina), the Yankee Group (USA) and Pyramid Research (USA). Perrone holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, a Master’s Degree in Economic Sociology from UNSAM (Buenos Aires), and an MBA from the Di Tella University (Buenos Aires).


TelesemanaConectividad: los desafíos de proveer un servicio invisible
TelesemanaO desafio chave das telcos: como seguir sendo relevante?
Nearshore AmericasTechnology and Education: Calling for Two Forces to Come Together in Latin America

Top Mentions:

La NaciónInteligencia artificial: ¿cómo modifica la vida cotidiana?
La Nación –  ¿Cómo medir el impacto en el PBI de la inteligencia artificial?
BNAmericasLa transformación debe ser total para aprovechar IoT
Infotech LeadWill Brexit prompt CIOs to revise IT investment?
BBC Mundo –  ¿Cómo ganan las compañías de teléfono cuando usamos el celular en el extranjero?


Interview CIC Brasil
3 Level Summit
Andicom 2014

Cloud Services, Digital Transformation Senior Consultant | Latin America

Gina Sánchez

Gina Sanchez has been part of Frost & Sullivan’s Digital Transformation team since 2007. As a Senior Consultant, she has more than 10 years of experience in the Latin American Information and Communications Technology industry. Her expertise in research and consulting particularly focuses on the strategic analysis of key market trends in the ICT industry, from fixed and mobile telecom services to the new trends in Digital Transformation as Cloud Computing, IoT, Big Data & Analytics. In addition to its client-facing role, Sanchez also participates in the most important events in the region as speaker, moderator and panelist, and contributes to Latin American and international media vehicles with articles and industry-related statements. Gina holds a Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering and a Postgraduate degree in Marketing.

IoT and Digital Transformation Senior Consultant | Global

Carina Goncalves

Carina Gonçalves has been part of Frost & Sullivan’s ICT team since 2013. As a Senior Consultant, she has more than 9 years of experience in the Latin American Information and Communications Technology industry. Her expertise in research and consulting particularly focuses on the strategic analysis of key market trends in IoT and digital transformation. In addition to its client-facing role, Gonçalves also participates in the most important events in the region as speaker, and contributes to Latin American and international media vehicles with articles and industry-related statements. Prior to this role, Gonçalves worked for Axoon Telecom and Gmattos Consulting Projects (Brazil). Gonçalves holds a BA in Psychology from PUC-SP and a Master’s Degree in Marketing from ESPM (Brazil).

Cloud Computing, Senior Industry Analyst | Latin America

Maiara Munhoz

Cloud Services, Research Analyst | Europe

George Etheredge

Cloud Services, Enterprise Telecom Services, Industry Manager | India

Aplak Ghosh

Cloud Services, Industry Analyst | India

Omkar Malage

Network Services, Sr Research Analyst | India

Kapil Bagel

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